My love of history came from my mother. Growing up most of our family vacations and outings took us to historic sites like Williamsburg, Batsto Village and old town Philadelphia…anywhere within reasonable driving distance as we had 7 people squeezed into our old stationwagon (affectionately known as the “lead sled”). Now Guy and I continue this tradition and love visiting homes of past presidents, founding fathers, anywhere with a place in history. One of my favorites is the home of FDR in Hyde Park, NY. So when mom and dad said they were planning a trip to the Roosevelt summer home on Campobello Island, I promptly invited myself to tag along.
It was just like the old days…a trip with mom and dad except this time I wasn’t in the back of the lead sled but in the driver’s seat. We stayed over in Bar Harbor, hiked in Acadia National Park then made our way to the small, quaint island of Campobello in New Brunswick, Canada. An adorable island chalet overlooking the Bay of Fundy was our home for the next 3 days. So quiet and so lovely. But the highlight was the reason we made the trip. FDR’s home was just as they left it, completely original with all the their personal belongings and furniture. It was as though they were still there. It was truly worth the trip.
While I’ll always remember the places we visited along the way, the best part of our trip was spending time with mom and dad – even without the lead sled. ♥

Summer home of Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt, Campobello Island, New Brunswick Canada

The Franklin Roosevelt family, with Mother

Bar Harbor

Bar Harbor, Maine


Our front yard, Campobello Island

Our island chalet

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